The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism recommends that localities carry out preparations to reopen tourism activities

04/03/2022 1488 0
Ngày 25/2, Bộ Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch đã có công văn số 597/BVHTTDL-TCDL gửi Sở quản lý du lịch các địa phương trên toàn quốc về công tác chuẩn bị phục vụ mở cửa lại hoạt động du lịch từ 15/3.


According to the document, implementing the concluding comments of Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam at the meeting to discuss the plan to reopen tourism activities in new normal conditions from March 15, 2022 (Notice No. 43/TB-VPCP dated February 16, 2022 of the Government Office), to ensure the safe, effective and quality reopening of tourism activities, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism requests the Department of Tourism agencies of provinces/cities carry out the following contents:

1. Preside and coordinate with relevant units to advise the Provincial/City People's Committee to promulgate plans and plans to open tourism appropriate to the locality based on continuing to implement Instruction 3862/ HD-BVHTTDL dated October 18, 2021, of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism implementing Resolution 128/NQ-CP temporary regulations on "Safe, flexible adaptation and effective control of the COVID-19 epidemic ” in cultural, sports and tourism activities, Decision No. 218/QD-BYT dated January 27, 2022, promulgating temporary guidance on medical expertise to implement Resolution No. 128/NQ-CP dated January 11 In October 2021, the Government issued the Temporary Regulations "Safe, flexible adaptation and effective control of the COVID-19 epidemic" and policies and guiding documents related to reopening tourism activities; Propose solutions to handle risks during the process of reopening tourism activities. Propagate the plan to reopen tourism to ensure safety, effectiveness, and compliance with COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control regulations.

2. Continue to implement the Program to launch domestic tourism to safely and flexibly adapt and effectively control the COVID-19 epidemic in the spirit of document No. 4698/BVHTTDL-TCDL dated December 16, 2021, of the Ministry of Culture Chemistry, Sports and Tourism. Support tourism businesses in the area to invest in improving the quality of tourism services and developing new products to meet the needs of tourists after 2 years of the COVID-19 epidemic. Strengthen destinations' promotion, link tourism product development between localities and businesses, and organize events to attract domestic and foreign tourists.

3. Advise the People's Committee of the province/city to promulgate policies to stimulate demand to attract tourists such as reducing sightseeing ticket prices and offering additional experiential services. Disseminate and implement policies to reduce travel business licensing fees, tour guide card issuance fees, travel service business deposits, and policies to support workers and users Central and local labour to encourage entities to actively participate in restoring tourism activities.
4. Coordinate with relevant departments, branches and branches to establish an interdisciplinary inspection team to guide and support tourism businesses in the area to prepare for reopening tourism activities, and at the same time strictly handle in case of violation of legal regulations.

5. Direct and guide tourist areas, attractions, tourism businesses and tourism services in the area:
- Proactively develop a plan to open tourism activities, including plans to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic and handle COVID-19 cases according to regulations. Continue to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control regulations according to the instructions of the Government, the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health to well control the epidemic.
- Self-inspect and review the quality of technical facilities and services; Invest in improving and upgrading degraded areas; Strengthen and expand technical infrastructure to serve customers, meeting requirements according to current conditions and standards.

- Based on the new situation and market demand forecasts, proactively recruit, train and foster human resources to ensure service quality promptly to meet the reopening of tourism.

6. Report monthly on the reopening of tourism activities and difficulties and obstacles during implementation to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (through the General Department of Tourism) for synthesis, Report to the Prime Minister.



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